My favourite photos from 2012 #2 – a studio shoot in Wimbledon

Welcome to day 2 of a week where I’ll be having a look back at some of my favourite photos from 2012. I hinted yesterday that the photo shoot I’ve chosen to feature today didn’t go as smoothly as I’d hoped at the time. It took place last February in the studio above Gooseberry Bush Cafe in Wimbledon which I use regularly for photo shoots. It was a bitterly cold day and it had started to snow so by the time Poppy - the very beautiful little subject of the photos - arrived she was cold and fed up from the bus journey. I think you can see from the black and white photo just how impressed she was with the idea of having a camera pointed at her… Anyway, with some cajoling we got some lovely photos. But the colour shot below, which is one of my favourite images from the thousands (I’m not joking) that I took in 2012, was taken when Poppy had thrown herself onto a beanbag, overwhelmed with the frustration of wearing a tutu and being trapped inside a studio when it was snowing outside. It’s all testament to how powerful the promise of some chocolate and a balloon can be… Tomorrow I’ll be featuring a shoot that took place in Richmond Park last year during the wettest summer in history.

toddler photography wimbledon