Introducing the Keepsake Album…

I’ve been waiting for the delivery of the new keepsake album that I created for some clients with a beautiful six-week-old baby girl. I did the photo shoot for them at the beginning of February and was very pleased with the results – helped by the fact that they are a very good looking family. Baby B was a joy to photograph – very calm and chilled out.

The keepsake albums come in their own little slipcase and are printed front and back. They open out like a concertina so you can either display them open on a mantelpiece or pop them in your bag and use them as a little boasting book. They are only available in quantities of three or more, but that makes them a perfect gift for grandparents – plus you can keep one for yourself. For further details please see my website

baby keepsake photo album

Thanks again to the family of Baby B for letting me use the photos on my blog and website. xx