Headshot session in aid of Mummy Mentoring Month

I’m very behind with blogging because I’ve had so many lovely shoots lately, but I am determined to catch up before I start all the lovely autumn/winter shoots I have booked in. So, to start, here’s a headshot session I did in May (am a little embarrassed that it has taken me four months to blog it). The shoot was one that I donated to an auction run by Motivating Mum (www.motivatingmum.co.uk) as part of their Mummy Mentoring Month back in March/April. All the money raised from this month was donated to the charity Nema, which helps women in rural Mozambique to educate and look after their families.

The very lovely Elodie Nelson bid for the headshot package I was offering in the auction. Elodie is an NCT teacher and IAIM baby massage instructor who runs Elodie Baby Services http://www.elodiebabyservices.co.uk She wanted some photos for her website and Facebook and Twitter profiles that reflected her friendly personality while still looking professional. We spent a happy half-hour in her beautiful garden trying out various poses and here are some of the results…
