A new year and a new challenge…


Although it seems like 2013 has been here for a while already, I think it’s still acceptable to say ‘Happy New Year’ while it’s still January. So ‘Happy New Year’.

January is always one of the quietest months for me as a photographer which is good because it means that I can catch up on admin, plan for the year ahead, visit photography trade fairs and sort out all those things that for the rest of the year I move from to-do list to to-do list (I’m not just talking about my tax return). Anyway, I wanted to share something a little bit different. I think I’ve mentioned in the past (many times) that I love taking photos. This is more than just a job for me. So when I heard about Project Life 365, an interactive photo-a-day challenge, I decided to take part. Photographers from all over the world have signed up to it – the project’s Facebook page already has over 8,000 likes and we’re just halfway through January https://www.facebook.com/projectlife365 Each week Project Life 365 posts a list of daily inspirations and then each day you take a photo inspired by the relevant theme and share it on Facebook or Instagram. The ‘inspirations’ range from #in_a_drawer to #simplicity and are a great way of thinking creatively. So I’m hoping that it will keep me on my toes for the portrait sessions I have booked in for 2013…

Anyway, the reason I am mentioning this is because each day Project Life 365 chooses their four favourite photos from the day’s challenge and I was lucky enough to be one of the featured four yesterday for the topic #confusing. My photo (which you can see above) was of the colourful tree which is brightening up the Southbank, confusing because at the time I didn’t know what it was or why it was there. I have since discovered that it’s a baobab tree designed and built by the MA textile design students at Chelsea College of Art and Design http://blogs.arts.ac.uk/chelsea/2012/06/07/ma-textile-design-students-install-colourful-baobab-tree-outside-southbank-centre/  I am particularly delighted to be chosen as one of the top 4 by Project Life 365 because the other three photos are amazing. I will get back to blogging some of the many sessions from last year that I haven’t shared yet, but for now I wanted to share the funny tree photo that brightened up my day yesterday…